Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Clinton Denounces Reforming Republican Party

Bill Clinton recently made comments about how the GOP is shifting too far to the right (read: too far away from increasing the power of the State).  Clinton also said the changes make George Bush appear to have been a liberal president, according to

The GOP is not shifting too far to the right; it is, hopefully, due to new involvement, switching away from the position of both parties, that of increasing government power in nearly any way possible.  The Tea Party was originally about downsizing government, although unfortunately due to some involvement of more mainstream pundits, it has shifted away from this focus.

The problem with Clinton's comments is, from the perspective of some of the up-and-coming leaders in the GOP, Bush was too liberal.  Bush gets much of the same unfair reputation as Hoover for being a "conservative president."  Hoover was far from conservative, more than doubling taxes on the highest bracket for one of the largest peacetime increases in history.  Bush, meanwhile, thrust America into two wars we never should have been involved in, only perpetuating our problems in foreign affairs by entangling us more overseas.

Election of members of the "Tea Party" is a sign that Americans are fed up with the consistent growth of government and its intrusion into their lives.  Hopefully, these newly elected candidates will stick to the "Tea Party's" original goal: that of shrinking the State.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Freedom of Speech - With or Without Restraints?

About a week ago, a friend gave me a line I'd heard several times before.  "The freedom of speech doesn't mean you can say whatever you want."  This may sound so illogical as to not even make sense, but I got his point.  You can't say something that is going to hurt anyone, etc.  It's the same old argument as to say "you can't shout 'fire' in a crowded theatre."  This is correct up to an extent, however the logic is flawed.

In Schenck v. United States, the Supreme Court struck a blow against free speech, one I think all contributors to this site would disagree with.  However, in the ruling, the concept of "shouting fire in a crowded theater" was mentioned.  The argument was that one should not legally be allowed to do this.  I wholeheartedly disagree.  Legally, this is the freedom of speech and you should be able to say whatever you want.  Where I do think this issue comes into play is in property rights.  If I was the owner of a movie theater, and someone said this, I would kick them out.  Because they are voluntarily on my property, I have the right to kick them out for any reason.  They must understand this in coming on my property and buying a ticket.

Freedom of speech alone can hurt nothing but a person's feelings.  If someone makes a death threat, that isn't good, and they should be watched, but they can say whatever they want.  If they never act on that, no crime has been done.  The second they take action and actually commit a crime, I support taking full action against them.  But free speech in itself is no crime.  The far worse crime is not allowing free speech.  As Voltaire once said, "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Case for Joe Sestak

This is a brief article I wrote that was recently published in the Courier Times a daily newspaper based in Bucks County.

Republican senatorial candidate Pat Toomey continues to criticize President Obama's economic policies. He is wrong.

Toomey claims that the stimulus package from 2009 failed the American people. According to a report from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, the stimulus has saved nearly three million jobs and prevented the unemployment level from rising to almost 12 percent. Additionally, 95 percent of working families will receive a tax cut this year, stimulating spending and small business growth.

Toomey's plan, calling for Wall Street tax cuts and fatal deregulation, would outsource desperately needed jobs and steer us closer to a double dip recession.

Democrat Joe Sestak supported the economic stimulus package, saving 300,000 Pennsylvania jobs and providing tax breaks for small businesses. Toomey voted against working families and small businesses in favor of corporate interests.

Joe Sestak has always supported working families and will continue to as our next senator.